Positivelykush.com + 6 bundle – $1 – BIN Lowered $10

Auction is for all 7 domains

Absolutelyhemp.net 12/9/2019
hempsultan.com 12/23/2019
sultanhemp.com 12/23/2019
weedlymap.com 11/28/2019
weedlymaps.com 11/29/2019

Auction starts at $1

Bid Increments: $1 or more
BIN $10
End Time: 72 hours after last bid or BIN
Registered: GoDaddy
Transfer: Push to GoDaddy Account
Payment: Paypal

Positivelykush.com + 6 bundle – $1 – BIN Lowered $10

How does $2,344.00 sound?

There was a nice back and forth on Twitter Friday night concerning GoDaddy Auctions. When you go to GoDaddy to use the appraisal tool, if you scroll down you see this: How does $2,344.00 sound? That was the average sale price in 2017 for a domain at GoDaddy auctions. Ready for your piece of the […]

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How does $2,344.00 sound?

LeafCome.com – GoDaddy Appraises at $1,466 – Next Bid $2


Registrar: Network Solutions
Expires: 11/29/2019
Auction start: $1
Increments: $1+
Auction Ends: BIN or 72 hours after the last bid
Transfer: Pull Only
Payment: Paypal, within 24 hours

LeafCome.com – GoDaddy Appraises at $1,466 – Next Bid $2

QuantumNetworks.co Starting: $50. BIN: $800 Highest Bid Laid: $50


Start: $50
Increaments: $25
Bin: $800
Expires: september 2020.
Registar: Dynadot
Ends: 48 hours after last bid.
Payment: Paypal or Bitcoin.

QuantumNetworks.co Starting: $50. BIN: $800 Highest Bid Laid: $50

gl2u.com 4 letter domain

good luck to you
gl2u.com 4 letter domain
12 years old
start 3000 $
Registrar: Web Werks India Pvt. Ltd
Transfer out

gl2u.com 4 letter domain